Sunday, January 24, 2010


    The remarkably devastating quake in Haiti was the focus of the world or at least the United States and the Americas for a week or so.  The response, on an emotional level, was intense and many millions have tried to help.  Yet the response was obviously a failure.  After all the BS about the glory of the free market system and the wonders of capitalism the response was a tiny fraction of what was needed.  Now Haiti is being relegated to the conspiracy of silence which has attended the imperialist and capitalistic depredations there for centuries.

Haiti was already an indictment, necessary and sufficient, for the condemnation of capitalism as a system.  The response, no matter how emotionally sincere was held back by the maneuvers of the imperialists and that includes both European Union and American and various national imperialist interests.

Whether or not the disaster was caused by an "earthquake weapon" the intervention of the United States clearly has a military quality and I cannot help but think that Haiti has become a primary battleground for the reestablishment of complete American hegemony in Latin America and the Carribean.

One thing is obvious and yet has not been discussed anywhere.  The bought and sold regimes of Bush and Obama were willing to spend trillions to bail out the rich.  Yet when it came to disaster in Haiti it was too little too late, and now the world watches to see what America does next!

It is a confusing situation because Bill Clinton is supposedly the UN special envoy to Haiti!  On the other hand the BBC exposed a great deal of the obstructionism and cowardice of the American relief effort.  The French were largely offended by American obstructionism.
Of course the Cubans were there already and thousands of NGO helpers.  There stories are yet to be told, their casualities are yet to be counted.

The character of the UN occupation appears to be that of an imperialist occupation.  The UN was already oppressing and repressing Haitian progressive struggles.  They banned the Party of Aristide.  It is impossible to separate the behavior of the UN occupation forces and that of the American empire but apparently they delivered little or nothing to the Haitians the last week.  They did spend a lot of tax payer money and took damn good care of themselves, the m-f-in heroes, one and all!

It looks more and more like the Americans and UN agreed to march the Haitians out of Port au Prince, Pol Pot style, so as to completely destroy (they hope) the capacity of the Haitians to run their own society. What better way to achieve this goal than to provide nothing for anyone in the city?

The Haitian ruling classes and the Yankee imperialists have never given a damn about the Haitian millions living in permanent enforced poverty and even if they shed a tear this week it is the tear of a slave master who is willing to apply the lash as soon as he dries his eyes.

The condescending rhetoric of the first worlders "reporting" on the ongoing catastrophe is revealing.  The deeply embedded in privilege and security reporters pontificate about the toughness and admirable resilience of the Haitian people.  It is the subtext to the generally unreported story, no help for the Haitians.  They better be tough and resilient because they are not going to get anything they actually need like medical care, food or water from anyone else.

Wouldn't it be great if we could put all they Wall Street and Washington scum in teams of corvey labor, chain gangs of capitalist mo fos,
sentenced to a lifetime of removing the rubble  in Haiti by hand.  Wouldn't it be nice!
Think of how resilient they could become!

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