Tuesday, January 19, 2010


     I have had so many thoughts and feelings about Haiti since the earthquake a week ago.  Sometimes I think I can hear the cries of those entrapped and dying.  Other times I reflect on the inspiring revolutionary history of Haiti.  This morning I wept for a friend who may be dead and for the hundreds of thousands dead and dying.

    Surely this is a great natural disaster and I cannot deny that.  Yet there "is no there there" in terms of the Haitian infrastructure and that was true for decades before the quake.  The poverty and want of Haiti is no accident even if the earthquake was. 

    It is especially distressing to me to see the persecutors of Haiti Bush and Clinton and the neocolonial masters now sweeping in for interviews that inflate their heads and their image as compassionate human beings. Wisely, no one is interviewing Bush.

    The economic, political and military crimes against Haiti have been unending and they are the same crimes being inflicted upon the working classes of the world from Haiti and the Caribbean to every corner of the globe.

     The criminal negligence of the United States for the situation in Haiti before the quake is becoming obvious to the other rich nations of the first world.  The United States has occupied Haiti with troops scores of times yet there "is no there there".  

Former colonial masters in Euope have been forced to compete to get aid to the people of Haiti.  Of course, they too have had a problem of grand standing and actually seeming to be afraid to get near the Haitians they are supposed to be helping. 


White supremacy clearly has a major role in the situation in Haiti for the last century and in the idiotic and stupid "relief effort" by the FIRST WORLD.  Of course the story is only coming out as to how the WEST has screwed up in terms of actually helping the Haitians.  Is there a Haitian government anymore?  I don't know.

Ironically, after four hundred years of capitalism the solution to the problems of Haiti is more of the same, capitalism again.  Even the muddled and nonperforming "relief" effort is an opportunity to promote the free enterprise of private rescue and security teams.  Like the American military they seem to be more interested in setting up a cowboys and Indians game than providing any actual relief or security.

   Meanwhile Obama tries not to look too interested.  What a Rat!

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